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Family Issues

You can pick your friends. You can pick your romantic partners. You can’t, however, pick your family. It’s no surprise, then, that families are a common source of codependency issues. Familial codependency patterns can be incredibly difficult to break out of without the help of a professional therapist. Lifelong habits and expectations place tremendous pressure on codependent individuals.

Identifying Codependency

Time spent with family often coincides with stressful life events – holidays, celebrations, and funerals often bring us together with loved ones under intense pressure. Codependent issues within the family system can be difficult to resolve.

The first step in addressing codependency is identifying it. Some may find it challenging to express honest emotions around their loved ones. Others struggle to set healthy boundaries. Codependent family members frequently fear conflict and avoid standing up for themselves. Addiction and intimacy issues may also signify codependency issues.

How Therapy Can Help

Codependent families may experience frequent arguments, emotional burnout, and difficulty connecting emotionally. But there is reason to be hopeful. If you are struggling with family issues, therapy can help.

Women's Integrative Counseling of North Carolina

At Women's Integrative Counseling, we advocate for women to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being through an integrative approach. Our team of compassionate therapists is dedicated to offering personalized guidance tailored specifically to your unique needs. Schedule your free consultation with us today to take the initial step towards a brighter tomorrow.

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