women talking

Online Therapy For Women

Many women struggle with anxious feelings, isolation, and depression. Too often, though, such feelings are pushed by the wayside. With kids to care for, a career to maintain, and a home to manage, women often find it hard to hold it all together. Similarly, young women in college face intense deadlines and the novelty of living independently for the first time.

Even with a network of trusted friends and family members in place, it can be difficult to keep your head above water. It’s helpful to have a professional to turn to for guidance in authentic, unbiased ways during especially turbulent and unpredictable times.

We Provide A Safe Space

Individual counseling is designed to make your therapeutic journey as customized and supportive as possible. We take a neutral approach to supporting you, providing a safe space where your private information is handled securely and without judgment.

Each session is focused on finding solutions to daily stressors. Discussing your options with a professional may surprise you to find resolutions in unexpected places. Regardless of what you’re up against, you’ll leave with a toolbox of skills to help you face life’s challenges.

Breaking Cultural Stigmas

At Women’s Integrative Counseling of North Carolina, we believe in breaking cultural stigmas surrounding mental health. Reaching out for help is one of the bravest things a person can do for themselves. No one can go it alone. Scheduling your first therapy appointment is a great step in living a more authentic, stable, and happy lifestyle.

Women's Integrative Counseling of North Carolina

At Women's Integrative Counseling, we advocate for women to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being through an integrative approach. Our team of compassionate therapists is dedicated to offering personalized guidance tailored specifically to your unique needs. Schedule your free consultation with us today to take the initial step towards a brighter tomorrow.

Therapists at Women's Integrative Counseling